Coroner Search
London Inner North
Ms Mary HassellSenior CoronerLondon Inner North
Mr Ian PotterAssistant CoronerLondon Inner North
Dr Richard Ian BrittainAssistant CoronerLondon Inner North
Ms Melanie LeeAssistant CoronerLondon Inner North
Mr Jonathan D P StevensAssistant CoronerLondon Inner North
Ms Sarah BourkeAssistant CoronerLondon Inner North
Mr Harry Nathaniel LambertAssistant CoronerLondon Inner North
Ms Saba NaqshbandiAssistant CoronerLondon Inner North
Mr Edwin BuckettAssistant CoronerLondon Inner North
Mr graeme IrvineSenior CoronerLondon East
- Address:
St Pancras Coroner's Court, Camley Street, London N1C 4PP.
- St Pancras tel: 020 7974 4545 [email protected]
- Poplar Coroner's Court, 127 Poplar High Street [email protected]
- E14 0AE
- Telephone:020 7538 1201
- Website: View Website
- Inquest Listing: View Website
Other Details
HMC Inner North London covers and is funded by the four London boroughs of:
Camden, Islington, Hackney and Tower Hamlets.
The coroner's officers and coroner's officer manager are civilians provided by the Metropolitan Police Service.
St Pancras Coroner's Court has wheelchair access through St Pancras Gardens - please ring ahead.
Poplar Coroner's Court has no wheelchair access, for which apologies.
Bow Coroner's Court is on Bow Road, London E3 3AA, and is the venue for all jury inquests. It has full wheelchair access - please ring 020 7974 3000.
None of the courts has refreshment facilities.
Please ask well in advance of inquest if an interpreter is needed. Many thanks.