Senior Coroner for Carmarthenshire & Pembrokeshire22/01/2025 23:59
Llanelli, Carmarthenshire.
Senior Coroner for Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire
Salary £103,897.60 [FTE £129,872]
Closing date: midnight Monday 22nd January 2025
Pembrokeshire County Council is seeking to appoint a Senior Coroner to replace the current post of Acting Senior Coroner.
About the Post:
The Senior Coroner stands at the head of the local coroner service and statutory coroner area and takes the lead on coroner work and will be expected to conduct inquests which are difficult or complex or will be likely to attract significant publicity.
The number of reported deaths in 2023 were 4,081, accordingly we appoint our senior coroner on a 4 day a week part-time basis, as 80% of a full-time coroner, which equates to 32 hours a week.
The salary will include payment for out of hours availability by agreement.
Pembrokeshire Council is looking for an exceptional candidate with excellent proven organisational, management and efficiency skills, as well as experience of exercising sound judgement and communicating effectively. You will work closely with the local authority manager to ensure value for money, performance and financial efficiencies. Collaborative working with the local authority, the police and other stakeholders is essential.
You will be required to demonstrate knowledge and experience of coroner law and of basic medicine, have proven skills in conducting investigations and an understanding of court procedure. You will also need to demonstrate the excellent communication and interpersonal skills necessary to deal with sensitive situations.
It is essential that the successful candidate has proven experience of running or experience of a joint responsibility for a coroner’s jurisdiction including carrying out investigations, case management, and conducting inquests.
Who can apply:
The successful candidate will be a barrister or a solicitor or Fellow of the Institute of Legal Executives and satisfy the judicial-appointment eligibility condition which means they will have five years of experience whilst holding that qualification. They will be under the age of 75, have experience of working as a Senior Coroner, area coroner or assistant coroner and be subject to the appointment and eligibility conditions within the Coroners and Justice Act 2009 (s.23 and Schedule 3).
Statutory terms of the Appointment:
Once a Coroner is appointed they are then a Judicial Office holder until they reach the age of 75 years (compulsory retirement age) unless they choose to resign or are removed by the Lord Chief Justice or Lord Chancellor prior to their 75th birthday.
How to apply:
The candidate pack is available here: amended approved pembrokeshire advert senior coroner 2024
If you wish to have an informal discussion or arrange a visit, please contact Kelly Byrne, Legal Services Manager on 07979 198478
Suitably qualified applicants are requested to email their CV and supporting statement to
The vacancy for this post has been notified to the Chief Coroner and Lord Chancellor (as required by statute).
Uwch-grwner Sir Gaerfyrddin a Sir Benfro
Cyflog £103,897.60 [FTE £129,872]
Dyddiad cau: hanner nos, dydd Llun, 22 Ionawr 2025
Mae Cyngor Sir Penfro am benodi uwch-grwner i gymryd lle swydd bresennol yr uwch-grwner dros dro.
Ynglŷn â’r swydd:
Mae’r uwch-grwner yn bennaeth y gwasanaeth crwner lleol ac ardal crwner statudol ac yn arwain ar waith crwner, a bydd disgwyl iddo gynnal cwestau sy’n anodd neu’n gymhleth neu a fydd yn debygol o ddenu cyhoeddusrwydd sylweddol.
Nifer y marwolaethau a gofnodwyd yn 2023 oedd 4,081, felly rydym yn penodi ein huwch-grwner ar sail ran-amser o bedwar diwrnod yr wythnos, sef 80% o grwner amser llawn, sy'n cyfateb i 32 awr yr wythnos.
Bydd y cyflog yn cynnwys taliad am argaeledd y tu allan i oriau drwy gytundeb.
Mae Cyngor Sir Penfro yn chwilio am ymgeisydd eithriadol gyda sgiliau trefnu, rheoli ac effeithlonrwydd profedig rhagorol, yn ogystal â phrofiad o arfer crebwyll cadarn a chyfathrebu'n effeithiol. Byddwch yn gweithio'n agos gyda rheolwr yr awdurdod lleol i sicrhau gwerth am arian, perfformiad, ac effeithlonrwydd ariannol. Mae gweithio ar y cyd â’r awdurdod lleol, yr heddlu a rhanddeiliaid eraill yn hanfodol.
Bydd gofyn i chi ddangos gwybodaeth a phrofiad o gyfraith crwner a meddygaeth sylfaenol, bod â sgiliau profedig wrth gynnal ymchwiliadau, a dealltwriaeth o weithdrefn y llys. Bydd angen i chi hefyd ddangos y sgiliau cyfathrebu a rhyngbersonol rhagorol sydd eu hangen i ddelio â sefyllfaoedd sensitif.
Mae’n hanfodol bod gan yr ymgeisydd llwyddiannus brofiad profedig o redeg awdurdodaeth crwner, neu brofiad o gydgyfrifoldeb dros awdurdodaeth o’r fath, gan gynnwys cynnal ymchwiliadau, rheoli achosion, a chynnal cwestau.
Pwy all wneud cais:
Bydd yr ymgeisydd llwyddiannus yn fargyfreithiwr neu'n gyfreithiwr, neu'n Gymrawd o Sefydliad y Gweithredwyr Cyfreithiol, ac yn bodloni'r amod cymhwystra penodiad barnwrol, sy'n golygu y bydd ganddo bum mlynedd o brofiad wrth ddal y cymhwyster hwnnw. Bydd o dan 75 oed, bydd ganddo brofiad o weithio fel uwch-grwner, crwner ardal neu grwner cynorthwyol, a bydd yn ddarostyngedig i’r amodau penodi a chymhwystra yn Neddf Crwneriaid a Chyfiawnder 2009 (a.23 ac Atodlen 3).
Telerau statudol y penodiad:
Unwaith y bydd crwner wedi’i benodi, mae’n ddeiliad swydd farnwrol nes ei fod yn cyrraedd 75 oed (oedran ymddeol gorfodol) oni bai ei fod yn dewis ymddiswyddo neu’n cael ei ddiswyddo gan yr Arglwydd Brif Ustus neu’r Arglwydd Ganghellor cyn ei ben-blwydd yn 75 oed.
Sut i wneud cais:
Mae'r pecyn ymgeiswyr ar gael yma: 2431701-senior coroner - advert text-cat c-3457-24.12.24doc wel 004
Os hoffech gael trafodaeth anffurfiol neu drefnu ymweliad, cysylltwch â Kelly Byrne, Rheolwr Gwasanaethau Cyfreithiol, ar 07979 198478.
Gofynnir i ymgeiswyr â chymwysterau addas e-bostio eu CV a datganiad ategol at
Mae’r swydd wag hon wedi cael ei hysbysu i'r Prif Grwner a'r Arglwydd Ganghellor (fel sy'n ofynnol gan statud).